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by Carole
I've been a cleaning lady for over 20 years. I never knew mold was toxic, just something that needed to be cleaned. I lived in a house where the walls were wet, and there was mold on the back of all the furniture, and alongside the bed (see pictures). It was stachybotrys chartarum and aspergillus. I started getting chronic sinus infections, upper respiratory infections, symptoms of M.S., muscle spasms, stabbing headaches, chronic constipation. I couldn't work much anymore; had to stop most of my jobs. I was too weak to clean big homes; it would take 2 days to recover afterwards.
My landlord sent leak detectors, the insurance company, engineers, roofers... nobody could find the source. I believed it was a cracked foundation which made water wick into the walls when the sprinklers were used or it rained. There was a farm next door with toxic mold, didn't know it then, and accepted manure from them and used it to grow vegetables.
My 2 grand-daughters were born there and one has always been constipated, vomiting, sleeplessness, behavior problems... the older had rashes, night terrors, allergies, and they both get croup whenever they catch a cold. I took photos and moved out, but brought some things and my clothing to the new place. Big mistake! Now I infected the new place. I am sick again, laryngitis for about 6 weeks...still trouble with working, as well as swollen lymph nodes for 2 years now. I tried 2 rounds of antibiotics a few months ago and it just kicked my immune system even more so.
I started researching, found what molds I was fighting, and what natural sources could be used. I bought a microscope/endoscope; what a blessing... so amazed at the world we cannot see. Bought Bentonite clay detox, it was a huge help, but the pain... This week I tossed most of my possessions, anything wood, clothing, shoes, paperwork, photos, etc. Then, a couple of hours later, I started getting sick; skin burning, sore throat, wheezy, and within a couple of days, sores broke out, stomach aches, bloating, indigestion. I threw up and found gametes from spores. I have pictures to prove it. If 3 came up, how many are in my stomach? I also found lots of spores in my nose. I'm compiling photos and notes to hopefully help others.
I've found some helpful items and want to share what helped me. Raw garlic; 4+ cloves daily, fresh mint (they are expelled by it), fresh ginger, cinnamon and raw honey, NO sugar. Avoid mushrooms and cheese as it gets moldy fast. I seem to be able to smell mold, as I am very sensitive to it, and I'm the one that always finds it.
My scalp resembles Morgellons now, and I have vitiligo. I have to battle muscle spasms/electrolyte imbalance daily. I don't have insurance and am now really low income. I live with my daughter and her husband with their toddler grand-daughters. Just taking it day by day, reading others' stories, sites like this, and studying herbs. Thank you for being here.
Comments for Lived in a Moldy Bedroom for 4 years
by Ron Jackson
My house smells very musty and has done so for the last 4 years. I have had 2 mold tests done, one in 2013 and one in 2015 by reputable companies and both said I do not have any mold beyond acceptable limits. Do you have any suggestions or advice for me? Thanks
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